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Photo by Carola Matarazzo
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President of Movimento Bem Maior, whose mission is to promote philanthropy in Brazil and double the donation capacity of Brazil's GDP in ten years

Donation: far beyond financial resources

Type Opinion

There are many ways to help make the world a better place. It is common, when we think about philanthropy , to preferably associate action with the donation of financial resources - which are essential, but not the only way to contribute to a cause, to promote the transformation we hope for in society. This awareness becomes even more essential in this difficult time we are experiencing, with the increase in the economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic.

A survey by Fundação Getúlio Vargas found that the number of Brazilians living in poverty almost tripled in six months, from 9.5 million in August 2020 to more than 27 million in February 2021. With more people in need, we need to bring together even more more support to expand results.

Voluntary action is one of the alternatives in which donations have a great impact and do not directly involve financial resources, but the time of people, specialists or not, who are willing to collaborate with a cause.

There is a huge lack of professionals in the Third Sector with different expertise to improve the performance of organizations and obtain more results with less. The support of experienced professionals from different areas makes it possible to reduce this deficit.

Another essential path is partnerships. The union of efforts considering the harmony of common values ​​and objectives is a path that not only expands, but enriches philanthropic activities. Bringing together the community, social organizations, public authorities and private sector initiatives around a common objective enhances the work of the Third Sector.

We are more assertive because we listen to the real demands of those who work directly with those in need, we have the structure, experience, organization and reach that the sectors offer in an integrated way.

We see that the growing number of professionals, institutions and companies that come together to support causes enables more qualified monitoring of projects and assertive and intersectoral articulations, which amplify the scope of organizations' actions. With this, we are able to collaborate with more people, increase service to communities and create an even greater social impact

The numbers indicate a worrying scenario: a survey carried out based on data from the Ministry of Citizenship concluded that in June this year the country had 14.7 million families in extreme poverty - with a per capita income of up to R$89 per month - which represents around 41 million people.

These are families who end up looking for shelters or living on the streets. We observe this around us, following the increase in unemployment , with people unable to maintain their homes. The moment requires strategic action to form a network of good that makes it possible to contain and reverse this situation. That's why it's so important to see that donations go far beyond supporting financial resources.

We need to donate our time, experience, add hope and desire to transform, so that we can count on all the tools we have to consolidate the philanthropic ecosystem


Photo by Carola Matarazzo

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