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5 initiatives that work towards food security in Brazil

4min reading

For Movimento Bem Maior

Oct 2022

This Sunday, October 16th, World Food Day is celebrated, a date that serves to reflect on the situation in Brazil and the world when it comes to food on the plate. Unfortunately, hunger grew on the planet and reached 9.8% of the global population in 2021, according to a report released by the United Nations. In Brazil, the data is also shocking. The 2nd National Survey on Food Insecurity in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the country found that 33.1 million – around 15.5% of Brazilians – live in a situation of severe food insecurity.

In a scenario like this, the work of civil society organizations becomes essential to combat hunger today, at this moment, and also to promote systemic changes that build a more dignified and fair tomorrow. To transform this tragic reality, mobilization and support are needed. In this blog post from Movimento Bem Maior, five organizations are presented that have gone through the Futuro Bem Maior program and that have food in the DNA of their actions. Check it out below:


EcomAmor Institute – GO

Food, agroecology, socio-environmental education and community are the pillars of the EcomAmor Institute , which seeks to connect people to build sustainable cities with actions in Goiás.

Since the group's first initiative, which was to gather information related to food security and encourage healthier eating habits in 2015, the idea of ​​expanding the impact has been developed and improved. The result was the birth of this organization that, today, sows futures with socio-environmental education in schools.

One of the successful initiatives was the “From Garden to Merenda” project, in which participating schools received continued training with face-to-face meetings on themes such as “vegetable garden at school” and “strengthening communities”.


Seeds in Movement – ​​RJ

The Semeando Amor Social Project has been operating for 20 years in the community of Rio das Pedras, in the Jacarepaguá region, in Rio de Janeiro, fighting hunger and carrying out educational and environmental activities.

Sementes em Movimento collective was created in 2019 , which arose from the intention of teaching residents how to make full use of food, avoiding food waste.

With the support received from Futuro Bem Maior, the collective was able to promote training courses aimed at the full use of food and the commercialization of products produced through this reuse process. This project, in addition to avoiding waste, aimed to enable people to create an extra source of income.


Novo Sertão Institute – PI

The Novo Sertão Institute , which has its headquarters in the city of Betânia (PI), develops social transformation projects and establishes partnerships with other municipalities to share social technologies and train more people across the interior of the state.

The group's history began in 2012 with emergency actions, such as bringing food, water and clothing to people living in extreme poverty during a severe drought. To completely change the situation and transform the sertão, a group of friends decided to formalize the Novo Sertão Institute in 2015.

Much has already been done. The “Productive Farms” project, for example, served communities in situations of food insecurity and extreme poverty through agroecology, technical training and the transition from monocultural production to family-based agriculture, all contextualized to the reality of the semi-arid region.


Brotar Institute – CE

The Brotar Institute operates in the interior of Ceará, with the mission of promoting agroecological and social transformation in the semi-arid region. Formed by a group of employees, the organization seeks to expand opportunities for children, young people, the elderly and families in the countryside.

The “Comunidades Vivas” project, for example, aims to generate food security, environmental preservation and income for families, with the implementation of technologies such as biodigesters and biowater.

The biodigester uses animal manure to produce biogas instead of cooking gas. Biowater reuses water from washing dishes, clothes and other activities to irrigate vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants, after a filtering process.

Nucleus of Popular Educators of the Sertão (NEPS) – PE

NEPS for coexistence with the semi-arid region, valuing the region's culture and encouraging leadership in the community. The work systematically contributes to the production of knowledge, serving small producers by offering solutions adapted to local realities.

The group encourages the production of agroecology and organic-based foods in interesting projects, such as the initiative “As Mulheres Rurais Cuidando do Roçado e da Natureza”, which presents activities aimed at rural workers, such as growing vegetables for food and generating income.

On NEPS's Instagram, it is possible to see the results of projects, such as productive backyards, growing vegetables in stony soil and storing water for dry periods.


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