Social transformation at the grassroots
Futuro Bem Maior is Movimento Bem Maior’s program to strengthen community focused initiatives.

Complex problem
When analyzing the country from the perspective of the allocation of philanthropic resources, it is noted that private social investment has an unequal distribution in Brazil.
Solution for the base
Futuro Bem Maior supports relevant social organizations in territories with high social vulnerability. Many of these initiatives, although extremely socially relevant in the territories where they operate, still receive insufficient resources .
The program seeks to promote the protagonism of these organizations, enabling them to achieve their mission with quality and in a sustainable manner.

Futuro Bem Maior in numbers
initiatives already supported
+ than 43 thousand
people directly impacted
+ than 173 thousand
people indirectly impacted
Institutional strengthening of initiatives
The organizations and collectives that participate in Futuro Bem Maior are selected through notices.
The program consists of providing financial support, individual advice and training on topics such as volunteering, management and fundraising, among others. To this end, we have partners who help us in the construction and execution of the program, the Phi Institute, which focuses on follow-up of initiatives, and the Phomenta Institute, which is responsible for the formation of the initiatives.

The grassroots in the center
We believe that the country's social transformation involves strengthening community bases.
Through financial and non-financial investment, we encourage the local protagonism of supported initiatives, capable of promoting the development of the territory, becoming active agents in social transformation and spokespersons for causes in their regions. Strengthening social organizations and collectives located in vulnerable territories, with low national visibility, contributes to territorial development.
Follow the program’s trajectory!
Discover the previous editions of Futuro Bem Maior and understand how each one has contributed to the strengthening of social organizations and collectives throughout Brazil.
OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTIONSAccess the full notice
5th notice Greater Greater Future Program
07/11/2024 to 08/04/2024
2022 – 4th edition
The 4th edition of the program, starting in 2023, selected 45 initiatives with the support of R$100 thousand for each one. It lasted 2 years with training and monitoring respectively carried out in partnership with Instituto Phomenta and Instituto Phi.
Reading transforms
- 13.
- 06.
- 11.
- 04.
- 03.
Archangel Gabriel Institute
- 01.
- 02.
- 03.
- 04.
Northeast Institute of Citizenship and Popular Housing (HABITAR)
- 01.
- 02.
- 03.
- 04.
Popular Union for Life
- 01.
- 04.
- 05.
- 16.
Vale de Esperança Art and Craft Association
- 01.
- 12.
- 08.
- 10.
Guarani Community Association
- 10.
- 04.
- 05.
- 03.
Casa Poéticas Negras
- 10.
- 04.
- 05.
- 03.
Making Art Being Part
- 10.
- 04.
- 08.
Lucas Amoroso Institute (ILA)
- 10.
- 04.
- 03.
Nova Amazonia Institute
- 11.
- 16.
- 01.
- 05.
Elas Negras Connections Network
- 11.
- 16.
- 08.
- 03.
Association Movement Patrons of Life
- 01.
- 13.
- 02.
- 15.
Cerrado de Pé
- 13.
- 15.
- 11.
Cerrado de Pé
- 13.
- 15.
- 11.
Assoc. of Peq. Prod. Rural areas of Povoado São Domingos
- 02.
- 15.
- 11.
Community Association of Residents of Papagaio
- 02.
- 01.
- 05.
- 13.
Network of Agroecological Producers and Producers of Careiro
- 02.
- 01.
- 08.
- 11.
Pecem I Love You Association
- 02.
- 03.
- 08.
Multivida Collective
- 02.
- 08.
- 11.
- 05.
Active Life 60+
- 03.
- 10.
- 11.
- 13.
Innocence Institute
- 03.
- 17.
- 04.
- 10.
Association of Parents and Friends of Autistic Parents and Love
- 03.
- 04.
- 10.
- 16.
Association Mobilizing Friends for Love
- 03.
- 04.
- 10.
- 12.
Living Longer Seniors Group
- 03.
- 05.
- 10.
- 12.
Jesus Assistance Association Calls You on the Path to Light
- 04.
- 01.
- 10.
- 16.
Camará Capoeira Association
- 04.
- 01.
- 10.
- 02.
Association of Residents of the Frutilândia I, Ii and Fulô do Mato Neighborhoods
- 04.
- 10.
- 05.
- 11.
Casa de Livrolina and Come Letra
- 04.
- 10.
- 08.
- 13.
FAMMAC Cultural Center of Maracás
- 04.
- 10.
- 03.
- 05.
Aníbal Machado Cultural Institute
- 04.
- 10.
- 11.
- 16.
Viamar Project
- 04.
- 10.
- 03.
- 12.
Philanthropic Association for Children, Adolescents and Youth of Ipanguaçu
- 04.
- 11.
- 16.
- 05.
Seed Group
- 04.
- 02.
- 10.
- 12.
Terra Sertaneja Community Association
- 04.
- 02.
- 13.
- 05.
Cocais Agricultural Family School Association
- 04.
- 02.
- 05.
- 11.
Circus Round
- 04.
- 03.
- 10.
- 17.
TrupEncanta Cultural Station
- 04.
- 03.
- 01.
- 10.
Caatinguinha Rural Community Association
- 04.
- 05.
- 02.
- 01.
Culture Factory
- 04.
- 05.
- 01.
- 10.
Yandê Institute: Education, Culture and Environment
- 04.
- 05.
- 08.
- 14.
Litero Musical Society
- 04.
- 05.
- 08.
- 10.
Canoa Criança Cultural Association
- 04.
- 08.
- 10.
- 05.
Cultural Artistic Association Coro EMAP-ACE
- 05.
- 10.
- 12.
- 17.
Queens of the Sea Collective
- 08.
- 11.
- 04.
- 10.
Community Association of Artisans and Farmers of Maciel
- 08.
- 02.
- 03.
- 04.
2021 – 3rd edition
The 3rd edition of the program, which started in 2021 and ended in 2022, supported 30 initiatives with R$70,000 each over 12 months, in addition to training carried out by the Phomenta Institute and follow-up by the Phi Institute.
Esperantinense Social Action - ASESP
- 03.
Nucleus of Popular Educators of the Sertão of Pernambuco - NEPS
- 01.
Esperantinense Social Action - ASESP
- 03.
Society for the promotion and support of the Itapipoca family - SOPRAFI
- 01.
Pecém Family Association
- 01.
Pestalozzi de Coari Association
- 04.
Association to support underprivileged minors - AMEC
- 08.
Society Friends for Itaunas - SAPI
- 11.
SOS Reviver Institute
- 01.
Vale do Iguape Education and Culture Center - CECVI
- 02.
Baianão Neighborhood Art and Culture Association
- 01.
Baianão Neighborhood Art and Culture Association
- 01.
Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional of Valente
- 01.
Madeira da Terra Institute
- 01.
Mutá Institute
- 01.
Institute for Citizen Development and Training - Instituto Brotar
- 02.
Canvas on the Moon
- 04.
Piauí Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals - APTTRA
- 04.
Novo Sertão Institute
- 01.
Association of Parents and Friends of Asas Movement Member Schools
- 04.
Juliana Maia Cultural Center
- 04.
Sementes do Vale Association
- 01.
Dream Factory
- 04.
Sapucaiense Capoeira Sports Cultural Association
- 01.
Atlas Institute of Education
- 04.
2020 – 2nd edition
The 2nd edition of the program, which started in 2020 and ended in 2021, supported 38 initiatives with R$100,000.00 each over 12 months, in addition to follow-up carried out by the Phi Institute.
Immaculate Conception Charity House
- 03.
Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional Children of Itacoatiara
- 03.
Cruzeiro do Sul School
- 01.
Ocara Family Aid Movement - MAFO
- 03.
Rural Community Association of Tomba and Surroundings
- 04.
Association of Spinal Cord Injured People of Rio Grande do Sul - LEME
- 03.
Padre Tiãozinho Support Present Association - Padre Tiãozinho
- 03.
Seed of Life Association of Cidade de Deus - ASVI
- 03.
Bread is Life Association
- 04.
Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional - APAE CONQUISTA
- 03.
São Paulo Apostolo Charitable Association - ABESPA
- 02.
Colors of Tomorrow Social and Cultural Movement
- 01.
Pious Union of the Sisters of Copious Redemption
- 03.
Children of the Village Social Project - Pro-Vila
- 03.
Association of Recyclable Material Collectors of Caicó - ASCAMARCA
- 01.
Francisco Mota Artistic and Cultural Development Institute
- 03.
ITI Institute - Equality, Transformation and Social Innovation
- 01.
Water Citizenship and Education Project - PACE
- 01.
Esperantinense Social Action - ASESP
- 03.
Good Volunteers
- 01.
Sons e Dons - Music cultural association sounds and gifts
- 04.
Environmental Sapience
- 03.
Tarumã Socio-Environmental and Cultural Institute
- 04.
Brazilian Action Group for Child Transplants and Neural Tube Studies - Instituto Gabriel
- 03.
Clave de Sol Community Association
- 01.
Cantagalo Association
- 10.
Civil Society Organization of Public Interest Monsenhor Antonio Gomide Soares - MONSA
- 01.
Fênix Association - Actions for Life
- 01.
Central Veredas
- 01.
Social Action for Equality of Differences - ASID
- 04.
Gabi Project
- 03.
Movement and Life Institute
- 03.
Association of Redeiras Artisans of the Far South
- 02.
Institute for Support for Development and Social Inclusion - IADIS Institute
- 01.
Marianas, Women who Inspire
- 04.
Esperantinense Social Action - ASESP
- 03.
Nucleus of Popular Educators of the Sertão of Pernambuco - NEPS
- 01.
- Group to Strengthen Family Farming for Rural Producers in the Santo Antônio do Murituba Community
2019 – 1st edition
The 1st edition of the program, started in 2019 and ended in 2020, supported 48 initiatives with R$100,000 each over 12 months, in addition to follow-up carried out by Instituto Phi and training content provided by Escola Aberta do Tercero Setor.
Immaculate Conception Charity House
- 03.
São Judas Tadeu Beneficent Society
- 01.
Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional Children of Itacoatiara
- 03.
Cruzeiro do Sul School
- 01.
SOS Resurrection Services and Social Works - SOS - Resurrection
- 01.
Ocara Family Aid Movement - MAFO
- 03.
Providence Outpatient Clinic
- 01.
Rural Community Association of Tomba and Surroundings
- 04.
Voices of Angels
- 05.
Association of Spinal Cord Injured People of Rio Grande do Sul - LEME
- 03.
Echoes of the Future - Education, Sport, Ecology, Culture and Health
- 01.
Ethically Responsible Society - SER
- 09.
Padre Tiãozinho Support Present Association - Padre Tiãozinho
- 03.
Seed of Life Association of Cidade de Deus - ASVI
- 03.
Visual improvement center see hope reborn - Caviver
- 03.
Negro Amor Foundation - FNA
- 04.
Bread is Life Association
- 04.
Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional - APAE CONQUISTA
- 03.
EcoVida São Miguel Permaculture Institute
- 01.
Brazilian Citizenship Promotion Group
- 03.
Community Association of Friends of Jesus - Acaje
- 02.
Jaguaribana Agricultural Family School Association
- 01.
São Paulo Apostolo Charitable Association - ABESPA
- 02.
Colors of Tomorrow Social and Cultural Movement
- 01.
Pious Union of the Sisters of Copious Redemption
- 03.
Children of the Village Social Project - Pro-Vila
- 03.
Association of Recyclable Material Collectors of Caicó - ASCAMARCA
- 01.
Francisco Mota Artistic and Cultural Development Institute
- 03.
ITI Institute - Equality, Transformation and Social Innovation
- 01.
Doctors D'alma Association
- 04.
Water Citizenship and Education Project - PACE
- 01.
Mano Down Institute
- 03.
Ecomamor Institute
- 02.
Embrace Association for Families with Children with Microcephaly and other congenital malformations - ABRAÇO
- 03.
Minas Ambassadors
- 04.
Esperantinense Social Action - ASESP
- 03.
Engineers without Borders - Rio de Janeiro Center
- 06.
Good Volunteers
- 01.
Sons e Dons - Music cultural association sounds and gifts
- 04.
Environmental Sapience
- 03.
Mais Project (Ballet, Muaythai and Boxing in the community)
- 03.
Seeds in Motion
- 02.
Dimensionless Love
- 03.
Free Books Movement
- 04.
Social Project Overcoming Barriers
- 03.
Collective Flowerbeds
- 02.
Do you have any questions?
Futuro Bem Maior is the national program to strengthen community impact initiatives of the Movimento Bem Maior. With each edition, we select social organizations and collectives and offer financial and technical resources to boost management processes and expand the impact in the territories where they operate.
The program is aimed at social organizations and community-based collectives that operate throughout the national territory. In order for your organization to be selected for the FBM, it must demonstrate, in addition to the strategic criteria that we seek in each edition, technical knowledge about the territory and cause where it operates and good governance practices. To participate in the FBM, you must register your organization in the selection notice. The notices take place every two years. To receive news about upcoming events, subscribe to our monthly Radar MBM newsletter and follow along .
Yes. Duly regularized Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and non-formalized groups of individuals can participate.
Yes. The organization's operations must be in the municipality where it is headquartered and with a maximum of 200 thousand inhabitants. We will use the IBGE population estimate, located at: www.ibge.gov.br/estatisticas/sociais/populacao/9103-estimativas-de-populacao.html?=&t=resultados .
Contact us .