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How do we act?

We support CSOs with financial resources, networks and strategic support, aiming to boost the philanthropy ecosystem in Brazil.


Challenges of the current scenario

The social development of Brazil is our priority. We understand that reducing inequalities is a transversal theme when we look at the multiplicity of challenges that the country faces. By concentrating efforts to mitigate these disparities, it is possible to provide equitable opportunities, strengthen democracy and make it possible to improve the quality of life for everyone, but, above all, for black women, a profile that is at the center of social inequalities in Brazil today.

Brief portrait of the country

Income concentration






Racial Equity

What we do?

Partnership, knowledge exchange and impact

We invest financial resources, provide technical knowledge and articulate networks so that our partners can expand the impact of their actions and promote virtuous and systemic changes in society. 

How we do?

Learning, cooperation and trust

We map and establish partnerships that share our values ​​and strategy. For each initiative, we create a follow-up model that takes into account the specific characteristics of the organization. This results in relationships of learning, cooperation and trust. The organizations we work with are experts in the territories and causes in which they operate and our role is to enhance what they already do best, understanding with them the complexity of the challenges and bringing greater understanding of the topics to MBM

Trust and transparency

We act with transparency to build lasting relationships of trust.

Learn by doing

We test, make mistakes and learn to improve social strategies and methodologies.

Demand and result

We encourage the exchange between strategic and field vision for consistent social results.


We value financial sustainability to maintain the longevity of social actions. 

Purpose before everything

We encourage organizations to dream big, with the causes they embrace as their guide.

Relevance and demand

We look for partners who prioritize their beneficiaries to understand the territories where they operate.

Importance of research

We encourage the production and use of data to make the reality of territories tangible.


We build a close relationship for mutual learning.


The pillars of social investments are applied within the monitoring methodology created by Movimento Bem Maior, based on Design Thinking and Lean Startup, called Lean Thinking. The journey of our relationship with the organization is built according to the values ​​on which we are based.

Supported organizations

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