We are Movimento Bem Maior

Rubens Menin
Chairman of MRV Engenharia
About the member
He graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), founded the MRV Group, and currently holds the position of President of the Board of Directors. Founder and president of the Board of Directors Banco Inter, founder and president He graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), founded the MRV Group, and currently holds the position of President of the Board of Directors. Founder and chairman of the Board of Directors Banco Inter, founder and chairman
Membership letter
Our society is very supportive, but it still does not have the habit of donating consistently and that is why our philanthropy numbers are still very low when compared to countries like Indonesia, the United States, Australia and England and we need to change this reality urgently. I truly believe that philanthropy changes the world and the Bem Maior Movement is the result of a group's dream of promoting the culture of giving in Brazil!
Together we are stronger and more transformative and with investment, support and training in projects that act at the heart of Brazilian social inequality we will remedy many of the ills of our society. I'm proud to be part of this great movement.
Sincerely, Rubens Menin
We are a social organization that seeks to build a Brazil with equity and dignity for all.
We believe in philanthropy as a tool for exercising active citizenship and strengthening a society based on social justice. To achieve this, we bring together philanthropists, social organizations and a network of partners who together drive the systemic transformation of the country.
Activate the transformative potential of civil society in Brazil through strategic and collaborative philanthropy, to confront inequalities and promote social justice.
We want to be a recognized and legitimate organization for Brazilian society, which promotes collaborative actions in the field of philanthropy and social innovation, elevating Brazil to a global reference.
• Act with courage • Practice adaptability • Apply balance • Ensure respect • Transparency in relationships • Commitment to people
André Laport
Master in Administration (MBA), André Laport was a partner at Goldman Sachs and co-founder of Vinland Capital. He was also a member of the board of the Brazil Foundation, an organization that mobilizes resources for ideas and social actions that transform Brazil. He believes that the fight to end inequality in the world brings lifelong benefits not only to society, but also to the economy.It is with great enthusiasm that I write this letter to express my decision to join the Movimento Bem Maior and commit to philanthropy in Brazil. I worked at the organization for 4 years as president of the Administrative Board, actively participating in this inspiring work and its tireless commitment to promoting significant changes in our society.
Now, as an associate, I reinforce my conviction that, through strategic philanthropy, we can make a difference in the lives of more people.
I am also grateful to join a community of dedicated people, who share the same vision and are determined to act to reduce inequalities in Brazil.
Together, we can build a fairer and more equal future for everyone, where generosity and mutual support are the pillars of our society. Sincerely, André Laport -
Bia Vidigal
Independent philanthropist
Bia Vidigal is an independent philanthropist and has worked with private social investments for over 30 years. Associated with Movimento Bem Maior since the organization's founding, Bia believes in philanthropy as one of the most important tools to promote social transformation in the country. His heart's cause is the fight against hunger, poverty and the reduction of social inequalities.I come from a family where philanthropy has always been present in everyday life. I learned from my parents the importance of helping those who need it most, understanding that solidarity is more than a duty. For a long time, I practiced philanthropy without knowing exactly what I was doing, such was my involvement with social causes.
At a certain point in my life, I read a report with businessman Mr. Elie Horn, who was interested in creating a movement of people engaged in philanthropy. I immediately looked for him to also be part of this new organization that was born with the purpose of strengthening philanthropy in Brazil.
In the Greater Good Movement, my work has much more capacity to generate a positive impact than if I were doing philanthropy alone.
Furthermore, I have the opportunity to get closer to important causes, people and social organizations. Finally, I believe and trust in the work that MBM proposes to do for those who need it most. Sincerely, Bia Vidigal -
Elie Horn
Chairman of Cyrela
Bachelor of Law and founder of Cyrela Brazil Realty, Elie has always believed that his mission is to implement the culture of giving in society, especially among those who have more possibilities. In 2016, she created Instituto Liberta, an entity that works to combat child sexual exploitation. Furthermore, alongside his wife Suzy, he was the first leader in Latin America to embark on The Giving Pledge, at the invitation of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, pledging to donate 60% of his wealth to social causes.–
Eugênio Mattar
Chairman of Localiza
Civil engineer, postgraduate in economic engineering and president of the Board of Directors of Localiza, Eugênio argues that attitudes that transform and improve people's lives are important for a more egalitarian society. He has on his resume the important role of president of the Board of Directors of Junior Achievement, a global institution that brings entrepreneurship to public schools.We live in an era of connections and I believe we can use this moment to create a network of good, which promotes structuring actions to improve the conditions of those who need it most, influencing and engaging others in this mission.
To solidify this network, we created the Bem Maior Movement, which proposes to massively expand philanthropy in Brazil. We seek to leave a legacy for the country by empowering ourselves in our role as citizens, developing and encouraging a culture of donation.
I believe that this construction takes place based on example, which has a high potential to encourage friends, relatives and thousands of people to start practicing philanthropy.
I can say, from my own experience: whoever does good for the first time falls in love and never stops. Sincerely, Eugênio Mattar -
Jayme Garfinkel
Controlling shareholder of Porto
Jayme Garfinkel is a civil engineer, with a postgraduate degree in Business Administration. He started at Porto Seguro in 1972, where he held various positions until becoming chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group's controlling holding company, a position he left in 2019. He is currently Chief Executive Officer of Pares and Rosag, both holding companies controlling the Porto Seguro Group, and of Pétalas, holding company of Fazenda Periquitos, as well as CEO of Dana-H, holding company of Dana Cosméticos. In the social field, Jayme serves as President of the Associação Crescer Semper and President of the Board of the Instituto Ação pela Paz.I joined the Greater Good Movement (MBM) because I felt that there is a real commitment to ensuring that resources reach the supported social organizations quickly and directly.
Among these initiatives, the Associação Crescer Semper and the Instituto Ação pela Paz are examples where I worked and continue to be directly involved, which allowed me to closely observe the efficiency in the management of resources by MBM.
I firmly believe that we must strive to make philanthropy effective and reliable, and in this sense, the founders and team of Movimento Bem Maior are a guarantee that this happens.
Sincerely, Jayme Garfinkel -
Luciano Huck
TV presenter and entrepreneur
Luciano Huck was born in São Paulo, in 1971, and currently lives in Rio de Janeiro. He is a TV presenter, entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of Igah Ventures and Instituto Criar, as well as a member of RenovaBR and Agora!, initiatives that encourage ordinary citizens to participate in political renewal. He is married to Angélica and father of Joaquim, Benício and Eva.-
Luís Fernando Porto
Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Localiza
Luis Fernando Porto is an entrepreneur with a degree in Administration from FUMEC and a specialization in Business from Fundação Dom Cabral. In 1993, he founded Locarvel, which became Locamerica in 2008 with investment from Private Equity. His leadership was essential in consolidating the car rental market in Brazil, carrying out three transformational mergers (Ricci, Unidas and Localiza). He is currently vice-president of the board of Localiza and an advisor to organizations such as Instituto Mano Down, Sistema Divina Providência, FIEMIG and Instituto Localiza, in addition to being associated with Movimento Bem Maior.It is with joy that I announce my association with the Greater Good Movement. As a businessman and entrepreneur, I have always looked for ways to positively impact society and contribute to building a fairer country. By joining MBM, I reaffirm my commitment, as a social investor, to social transformation in Brazil.
I have been proactively dedicating time to philanthropy for 11 years. My personal cause is access to quality education for all and the fight for a more equal and fair country. Among other initiatives, I actively participate in the Boards of the ManoDown Institute and Cidade dos Meninos, which is part of the Divina Providência System.
As investors, we have a responsibility to use our resources and influence to drive meaningful change in society. At Movimento Bem Maior I have the opportunity to expand my activities and join forces with a group of associates who, like me, believe in philanthropy as a tool for strengthening a society based on social justice.
I share the values and mission of the Greater Good Movement and am confident that, together, we can create a positive and lasting impact.
Sincerely, Luís Fernando Porto -
Marcelo Kalim
CEO of C6 Bank
Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of C6 Bank. He studied economics at the University of São Paulo (USP) and an MBA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He was Chairman of the Board of Directors, Co-President and Chief Financial Officer of Banco BTG Pactual.By making public my membership in the Movimento Bem Maior, I wish to encourage the culture of donation in Brazil and contribute to the philanthropy ecosystem in the country, the mission of the organization to which I now join.
I believe in the importance of creating conditions for equal opportunities. Therefore, I have supported the personal and professional development of children in socially vulnerable situations.
With the association structure, my initiatives in this direction will have more impact than any individual action could achieve. The Greater Good Movement enhances the impact of philanthropy by adopting technical criteria and stimulating the social, economic and environmental sustainability of social organizations, playing an important role in ensuring that they last.
I join this mission with humility and enthusiasm.
Sincerely, Marcelo Kalim -
Rubens Menin
Chairman of MRV Engenharia
He graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), founded the MRV Group, and currently holds the position of President of the Board of Directors. Founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Inter, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of LOG Commercial Properties SA, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Urba Desenvolvimento Urbano SA, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Resia in Miami/USA, founder and president of the Board of Directors of CNN Brasil. In 2018 he received the Global Entrepreneur of the Year award – EY World Entrepreuneur Of The Year 2018. In 2019 he received the 2019 Excellence Award from the Brazil-USA Chamber of Commerce, Florida. He is a founding partner of Menin Douro Estates, a winery created in 2018, and owner of Rádio Itatiaia, one of the largest broadcasters in Brazil, acquired by the businessman in 2021.When creating the Greater Good Movement, I intended to be an example and an instrument for convincing people to donate more time and money to philanthropy. Our society is very supportive, but it still does not have the habit of donating consistently and that is why our philanthropy numbers are still very low when compared to countries like Indonesia, the United States, Australia and England and we need to change this reality urgently.
I truly believe that philanthropy changes the world and the Bem Maior Movement is the result of a group's dream of promoting the culture of giving in Brazil! Together we are stronger and more transformative and with investment, support and training in projects that act at the heart of Brazilian social inequality we will remedy many of the ills of our society.
I'm proud to be part of this great movement.
Sincerely, Rubens Menin
Board of Directors
Director of the MRV Institute
Graduated in Law from Milton Campos Faculty and Postgraduate in Economics and the Company from FGV. She held the position of Legal Executive Director of the MRV Group until December 2019. He is currently a board of business administration MRV & Co, Inter & Co, CNN Brazil, LiUS Education and Instituto Iungo, Orbi Conecta and Movement Associations. . In these institutions, leads the Corporate Governance and People and Culture Committees, actively participating in business sustainability, ethics and integrity, diversity and inclusion projects, among others. -
Alessandra Peixoto
Executive Director of Instituto Localiza
Graduated in Communication and Socio-Environmental Management, she has a master's degree in Social Sciences and since 2000 she has dedicated herself to implementing strategic private social investment programs and the development of social organizations, communities and territories, having worked in management positions at Fundação Dom Cabral, Fundação Avina, Instituto Unimed-BH, private companies, and as a professor in specialization programs at PUC Minas and Fundação João Pinheiro. She believes in the power of the third sector as a great inducer of collaborative processes for a new social place. -
Aron Zylberman
Executive Director of the Cyrela Institute
Graduated in metallurgical engineering, with an MBA in Strategic Administration, Aaron is executive director of the Cyrela and CCP Institutes and advisor to the following organizations: Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance, GESC Institute, Jatobás Institute and Liberta Institute, in addition to Movimento Bem Maior. He is a professor of Ethics and Sustainability at the FIA and FIPE MBAs. He believes that the business sector has a fundamental role in building a fairer and more supportive Brazil. -
Christian Klotz
Chairman of the Board of MBM and partner at Brasil Capital
An engineer with a master's degree in administration (MBA), he is a senior partner at Brasil Capital, having dedicated himself over the last decades to resource management in São Paulo and New York. Brasil Capital believes that investing in education is part of our social responsibility and an efficient way of contributing to the country's development. -
Fernando Iunes
President of the MBM Council and member of the UNICEF BR Advisory Council
An engineer with a master's degree and a doctorate, Fernando is Vice Chairman of Citibank. He was executive director and head of investment banking at Itaú BBA and founding partner of EB Capital. He is currently a member of the Unicef Brasil Advisory Board and the board of the Rodrigo Mendes Institute.
Fiscal Council
Roberta Freitas
Credit Analyst at Itaú
Graduated in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas SP Foundation and in Accounting from FEA USP. He is currently a credit analyst at Itaú. -
Lucas Freire
Business Analyst at Vinland Capital
An economist graduated from FGV-SP, with a visiting student at Northwestern University, Lucas began his career in 2015 at Goldman Sachs. He then worked as a business restructuring consultant at Galeazzi & Associados. He is currently a corporate analyst at Vinland Capital. -
Rafael Novellino
Cyrela advisor, Cyrela and Abranc Institute
With a degree in Accounting from Escola Técnica do Comércio Trinta de Outubro and a degree in Economics from Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas São Luis, Rafael worked for several years as Administrative Director of Cyrela Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda. Today, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Cyrela Brazil Realty SA, the Administrative Board of Cyrela Com. Properties SA, the Administrative Board of ABRAINC, and is also a member of the Board of the Cyrela Institute.
MBM Team
Carola MB Matarazzo
Executive director
Graduated in Administration from FAAP, with extension in social impact investment assessment, by Insper. Carola Matarazzo has been working for over 25 years in the third sector. Currently, she is executive director of the Movement Bem Maior, one of the main organizations to promote philanthropy in Brazil. He began his trajectory as a volunteer in the Solidarity League, where he was president from 2012 to 2018 and today is part of the Executive Council. It is also part of the advisory councils of Artesol, Instituto Protea and Iungo Institute, as well as being co -founder of the hunger pact. In 2020, he was recognized as a social entrepreneur of the year by Folha de S. Paulo and Schwab Foundation. Its cause of the heart is committed to social justice. -
Ana Rayol
Project Analyst
Ana has a degree in Educommunication (USP) and Philosophy (UFPA), worked in private and public schools in addition to research related to education. Since 2021, he has worked in the third sector with communication and social projects. His heart's cause is the education of indigenous peoples. -
Beatriz Waclawek
Social Investment Manager
Beatriz has a degree in Administration with a specialization in design from PUC-RJ. She worked for 8 years in the Innovation & Technology sector in several consultancies, being an ambassador for OSC Mulheres de Produtos, for which she released a book. At Movimento Bem Maior since 2020, she helped design and create the Social Investments area. His cause at heart is homeless people. -
Cris Passos
Executive Secretary
Cris is an executive secretary with extensive experience in administrative sectors of different organizations, from the field of innovation to the third sector. She actively participates in social actions linked to the fight against hunger and her heart's cause is quality education for all. -
Emmanuel Lima
Communication Analyst
Emanuely is a journalist (UFPE) and anti-racist activist. She researches and produces content in defense of human rights and in favor of the black community in Pernambuco with Coletivo Obirin. She has a strong commitment to promoting popular communication and racial equity. -
Gisele Bachman
Financial assistant
Gisele is a speech therapist by training (PUC-SP), and has worked in the financial area for 15 years. His heart's cause is equality of opportunity for all. -
Juliana Boscarato
Junior Communication Analyst
Juliana is an internationalist from PUC-SP and has experience in communication and innovation since 2022. Her work is focused on projects that connect people and promote significant changes, as she believes in the power of communication as a tool to transform Brazil. -
Rafaella Santos
Project Analyst
Rafaella is an economist, master in economics and development from Unifesp and has an MBA in project management. With experience in organizations aimed at social innovation and private social investment, he is also a teacher in higher education. He believes in the transforming power of women as a driving force to promote significant social changes. -
Thainara Martins
Project Analyst
Thainara is a Technician and Environmental Manager with a specialization in Project Management (USP). She has been a passionate volunteer her entire life and has been working in the third sector professionally since 2016. She believes that the true meaning of life is to make meaning in other lives, and that is her purpose. His heart cause is racial equity. -
Guilherme Mattoso
Communication Manager
Guilherme is a journalist, with an MBA in Sustainable Business Management (UFF) and postgraduate degrees in Digital Marketing (FACHA) and User Experience (PUC-Rio). He has been working as a Communicator for 20 years and his heart's cause is family farming and sustainable gastronomy. -
Igor Marques
Communication Analyst
Igor is from Recife, visual communicator (ETEPAM) and social scientist (UFPE). He has worked for 7 years in the areas of communication, research and cultural production. He has popular culture as a tool for social transformation at his heart. -
Isabela Ramos
Measurement Analyst
Isabela has a degree in Production Engineering (PUC-RJ) and a postgraduate degree in Microfinance and Financial Inclusion, and in Impact Investments, both from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She worked in several areas before following her purpose and migrating to the third sector, where she has worked for 3 years on financial education and impact measurement projects. His heart's cause is the fight against hunger. -
Natalia Cordeiro
Natalia is a lawyer, graduated from PUC-SP and post-graduated from FGV in Business Law. She joined the sector working as a volunteer on several fronts, such as helping homeless people. She has been working as a lawyer since 2021 and her heart's cause is promoting the exercise of citizenship by all. -
Paulo Souza
Project Analyst
Paulo has a degree in Social Sciences (USP) and a specialist in People Management and Social Projects (UNIFEI). He has worked for over 20 years in Social Assistance and Education, in civil society organizations and in the public sector. Since 2021 he has been a volunteer in a training program for managers and social entrepreneurs. Her heart cause is promoting equity and sustainability. -
Richard AC Sippli
Director of Institutional Relations
Richard has a law degree from PUC-SP. He served for 15 years in leadership roles in social impact initiatives. He co-founded Ecolivery Courrieros, a startup for which he won the OAS Latin American Social Entrepreneurship award in 2013. At Movimento Bem Maior since 2018, he helped structure the organization from the beginning. His heart cause is the promotion of equity. -
Valdemar Bezerra
Valdemar has a degree in Accounting Sciences, with a postgraduate degree in Controllership (Universidade São Judas). His heart's cause is combating the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
We are part of the UN Global Compact
We are committed to aligning our strategies with the ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption to develop actions that contribute to facing the planet's most urgent challenges .
We are committed to complying with the 2030 Agenda. Our actions focus on the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) :
10. Reduced inequalities
17. Partnerships for the goals
Pillars of Action
Strengthening Social Organizations
We support the institutional development of social organizations that work with strategic causes for the country's development.
Promoting the Philanthropy Ecosystem
We develop the infrastructure of the Brazilian philanthropic sector by supporting initiatives that work with engagement and articulation in the social field.
Futuro Bem Maior Program
Discover our program to strengthen community impact initiatives.
Follow the MBM's trajectory
- Year
- 2018
- Capital mobilized
- R$ 0
Strategic partnerships
We are members of organizations that focus on bringing together actors from the social field to promote the exchange of learning and identify opportunities for joint actions.