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Here It Is Done, Here It Donates!

For Movimento Bem Maior

Mar 2021

Podcast talks about donation culture and promises to pierce the third sector bubble.

Launched on Donate Day, (December 1st) 2020, the podcast Aqui Se Faz, Aqui Se Doa wants to bring the culture of donation to the center of conversations, whether among friends or even at the dinner table with family. Always covering diverse content, such as fake news and its impact on the third sector, the ways in which companies can donate and reflections on situations in which people contribute more or less, the program reaches its 12th edition.

The podcast is a partnership between Movimento Bem Maior and Instituto MOL. Every week, social entrepreneurs Artur Louback and Roberta Faria present important figures in philanthropy, shed light on numbers and facts related to the topic, suggesting innovative ways and ideas for doing good deeds.

This Tuesday, the 9th, the topic of the chat is “How to distinguish donation from marketing?” and the guest is professor Edgar Barki. Barki is coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Center and Professor at FGV, as well as Visiting Professor at the University of Saint Gallen.

Cause marketing boosts the culture of donation and is responsible for generating resources. However, when Marketing is restricted to Marketing only, it is necessary to pay attention to its variants: Who checks whether the donation was actually made? Do the practices within the company coincide with the discourse? What about transparency? Edgar Barki will clarify all these questions.

With episodes always published on Tuesdays, the program features inspiring conversations, creative ways to donate (including for those who don't have money!) and presents products that help causes — all with great humor and interviewees who know what they're talking about!

For those who haven't heard yet, in our debut episode we talk about the donation lessons learned during the pandemic, in a year when everyone needed help. We spoke with Carola Matarazzo, executive director of Movimento Bem Maior, about the legacy of the pandemic and opportunities to continue donating in the coming years. We also heard from more philanthropic experts, who brought their insights: João Paulo Vergueiro, executive director of the Brazilian Association of Fundraisers (ABCR), Tati Leite, co-founder of Benfeitoria, Rodrigo Pipponzi, co-founder of publisher MOL, Francisco Nilson Moreira, co- creator of Fome de Música, PicPay's marketing director, Armando Areias and Joana Mortari, co-founder of the Movimento por uma Cultura de Donação and advisor to Instituto MOL.

Did you like it? So, enjoy and listen to the first episode now and follow Aqui Se Faz, Aqui Se Doa on the main audio platforms or on our YouTube playlist.