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Intersectoral collaborations: CSOs and public authorities

For Movimento Bem Maior

Oct 2023

In an article published in Correio Braziliense, Carola MB Matarazzo, executive director of Movimento Bem Maior, emphasizes the importance of intersectoral collaborations and the essential role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in supporting governments in reducing social inequalities.

“When we look at the work of social entrepreneurs, we realize that many initiatives — led by groups or designed by individual leaders — were created precisely to address issues that, unfortunately, the State has failed to resolve,” he highlights.

Examples of this successful collaboration include the work of Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal, Todos Pela Educação and Instituto Rodrigo Mendes.

To understand how partnerships between the social field and public authorities have contributed to the development of public policies and the strengthening of citizen participation, we recommend reading the entire article .