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'People have to engage in philanthropy', says Porto Seguro controller about the Charter for Democracy

By Guilherme Mattoso

Aug 2022

In an interview with the newspaper O Globo, Jayme Garfinkel, our associate, talks about the importance of involving businesspeople with the topic of philanthropy. 

— People have to engage in philanthropy. No one tolerates the misery and destruction that the country is taking anymore — he said.

Controlling shareholder of the Porto Seguro insurance company, he is one of the signatories of the Charter for Democracy to be read in the arcades of the Faculty of Law at USP this August 11th and cites the potential of the Bem Maior Movement as a tool for a fairer and more inclusive society.

joined the Bem Maior Movement, which encourages the culture of donation. Is this greater business engagement in politics and national issues reflected in donations? We are trying to create a movement in the private sector to eradicate poverty, trying to encourage the private sector in this regard. I was greatly impacted by an article by Fernando Schüler in Veja, in which he said that slavery was put an end to in the 19th century and that the challenge of the 21st century should be to end poverty. A country with this potential, this wealth and youth. And since then, a group of friends and I have been engaged in this, trying to work. There are many initiatives, but there is a lack of coordination. And this could come from the government, as it would have a greater impact, boosting people's confidence to donate more. But the government cannot be seen as the figure of the Income Tax Lion. People should be interested and willing to pay taxes and not see it as a bite. People have to engage in philanthropy. No one tolerates the misery and destruction that the country is taking anymore. But this is built with trust, not division. Today, if the PT is in power, people say they will be against it because they are right-wing. I am also involved with the Action for Peace institute, to improve the prison system, give prisoners more dignity and reduce recidivism. But it's a drop in the ocean. To increase the impact, public authorities must be engaged.

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Interview published on August 11, 2022 in the newspaper O Globo. To read it all, click here