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Benfeitoria Institute

Why do we support?

Empower changes at the base of the social pyramid, where each action can have a significant impact, and facilitate actions at the top, where financing power is greater. Through the (co)creation of structuring solutions, we are building a culture of engagement with a focus on productive inclusion, collaborative philanthropy and integral health.

About the project

Instituto Benfeitoria is a social organization whose mission is to scale and democratize access to engagement technologies that foster a more human and fulfilling culture in Brazil.

  • 03. Health and wellness

  • 05. Gender equality

  • 04. quality education

  • 08. Decent work and economic growth

  • 10. Reduced inequalities

  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities

  • 16. Peace, Justice and effective institutions

  • 17. Partnerships for the goals

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