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Pact Against Hunger Institute

Why do we support?

Initiative led by Geyse Diniz has a wide and powerful network of partners working together in favor of an urgent cause, thinking about strategic solutions.

About the project

The Pact Against Hunger is a non-partisan and multisectoral movement whose purpose is to contribute to combating hunger and reducing food waste in Brazil. The Pact's vision is to reach 2030 without any hungry people in the country and, in 2040, with the entire population well fed. After all, access to food is a constitutional right.


  • 01. Eradication of Poverty

  • 02. Zero hunger and sustainable agriculture

  • 03. Health and wellness

  • 08. Decent work and economic growth

  • 10. Reduced inequalities

  • 12. Responsible consumption and production

  • 13. Action against global climate change

  • 17. Partnerships for the goals

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