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We don't want little

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For Movimento Bem Maior

May 2020

By Carola Matarazzo.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development does not want little. Its main motto is: “Leave no one behind”. However, we know that many Brazilians have already been left behind. That's why the Greater Good Movement was born. We came to mobilize peers. Aggregate efforts. Form networks. To strengthen the culture of philanthropy in Brazil. To thus ensure the inclusion of those who have not benefited from the development efforts made so far and prevent more people from becoming socially excluded.

In this first year, we worked on promoting the brand, engaging society and on a large project to serve organizations with a community impact – the call for selection of 50 CSOs for financial support. A promising path to expanding the potential of private social investment.

But in the long term, we don't want too little either. We are working on articulating the sector and influencing public policies for systemic impact. Ensuring quality education is the first step. We want more. We are laying the foundations for the construction of an inclusive and democratic society, which includes valuing diversity, reducing poverty and inequalities, making the country more consistent and fair.