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The process of creating the <b>Futuro Bem Maior notice:</b> a fusion between qualitative and quantitative analysis
The process of creating the Futuro Bem Maior notice: a fusion between qualitative and quantitative analysis

The Futuro Bem Maior notice, from Movimento Bem Maior (MBM), was born from the desire to collaboratively weave a more equal Brazil for everyone. We understand that, to co-build the country we want, it is necessary to weave together the philanthropic threads of the territory with its municipalities, communities and individuals. In February this year, Fundação Getúlio Vargas carried out a survey […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Dec 2021
<b>Movimento Bem Maior and Gerando Falcões</b> complete a successful year of partnership
Social Impact
Movimento Bem Maior and Gerando Falcões complete a successful year of partnership

Partnership exceeds expectations in the training and training of social leaders With the objective of training and training social leaders to increase the impact in the favelas in which they operate, offering education, economic development and income generation services, the commitment signed between Movimento Bem Maior and Gerando Falcões helped boost results […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Sep 2021
Webinar discusses <b>impacts of the pandemic on philanthropy</b>
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Webinar discusses impacts of the pandemic on philanthropy

Event held by Movimento Bem Maior highlighted opportunities and challenges posed by Covid-19 for the culture of donation. The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on philanthropy around the world, the collaborative work between the Third Sector, companies and governments, the philanthropic family legacy and endowment funds were some of the themes of the webinar “Diálogos do Movimento Bem […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Oct 2020