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We need to free the <b>third sector</b> from the constraints we created, says <b>Dan Pallotta</b>
We need to free the third sector from the constraints we created, says Dan Pallotta

Humanitarian activist defends adoption of business practices to leverage donations Non-profit organizations live in a prison that prevents them from growing and transforming their surroundings. This is the vision of American businessman and activist Dan Pallotta, who participated in the 3rd Donate Seminar, an event aimed at the third sector, social entrepreneurs and philanthropists […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Dec 2020
Philanthropy Day: how can the “new normal” become <b>a new morality</b> in Brazil?
Philanthropy Day: how can the “new normal” become a new morality in Brazil?

In an article, Carola Matarazzo, executive director of the NGO Movimento Bem Maior, argues that the pandemic could leave a legacy of more solidarity. An Indian writer described the pandemic as a portal that allows us to choose what will follow us when we cross it. We will take our prejudices, individualisms and apathy with us, or we will find ways to leave them behind and move […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Oct 2020