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<b>Brazilian startup</b> is awarded by the <b>Bill &amp; Melinda Gates Foundation</b>
Brazilian startup is awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

A Brazilian socialtech – startup with a social focus – is named as one of the ten most creative and innovative solutions in the world in the area of ​​daily charitable donations by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This is the Brasilia-based Ribon, a platform that emerged to promote the culture of donation in Brazil, making the experience of donating simpler, more fun and […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Mar 2021
Movimento Bem Maior signs a partnership with the <b>Gerando Falcões</b> project and commits to a social investment of <b>R$ 12 million to expand training for leaders</b> in needy communities
Emergency Support
Movimento Bem Maior signs a partnership with the Gerando Falcões and commits to a social investment of R$ 12 million to expand training for leaders in needy communities

The objective is to train and train social leaders to impact their communities using education, technology and income. The project consists of creating a social university, strengthening NGO workshops and installing a leadership school. With this, the goal is, by 2024, to be present in 1200 communities, train 540 leaders and have 100 accelerated units. Given the worrying scenario that the civilian population is experiencing where the economy and health have been affected in disastrous ways, […]

For Movimento Bem Maior

Dec 2020